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Softball Information

Middleton Baseball has now added SOFTBALL to our program. Our VP of Softball, Katelyn Donnelly, is a long time Softball player, playing as a youth and in the collegiate level. We are excited to have her as part of our Softball program. 

Staring Dec 7th, we have booked time slots for Club 44 for our Softball players planning on coming to our program. For more information on these winter workouts, please reach out to

Spring registration will open December 1, 2024. 10u, 12u and Babe Ruth season will run from March to May. *More details to follow. 8u (machine pitch) will run from May to June. *More details to follow. 

Assessments for 10u, 12u and BR will be on February 22 at Hawthorne park. More details to follow. 

Stay tuned for any cost or how to register information as it becomes available.